AlveoGene’s Mission is to transform respiratory disease outcomes using inhaled gene therapy.

AlveoGene’s Executive Chair David Hipkiss will be will be presenting the latest developments of the Company at 15.00hrs CET on Monday 13th May 2024, Rooms 4&5 ‘Cell & Gene Therapy Track’

Our InGenuiTy® platform enables us to deliver our proprietary self-inactivating lentiviral vector based products directly to the lung via nebulisation treating disease locally, efficiently, and safely where it’s clinical impact and patient benefit can be the greatest.

We have shown single dose efficacy, long-term durability of effect (critically retaining an ability to re-dose if required), combined with the convenience of administration, transforming the current standard of care of frequent IV bolus injections, or providing therapeutic solutions for diseases that currently do not exist.

For more information and to arrange a meeting, please contact us on [email protected]